Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Use Me

The flag waves in the breeze
It brings me to my knees
To see our flag wave in spite
Of all the wrong that should be right
Oh, Father, hear our knees hit the floor
Bring revival to our nation once more
Hear our prayer and our cry
That unborn children no more may die.
That men no more seek in vain
Or teens end their lives to escape their pain
That the world would see there is more to life
More than sickness, drugs, and strife
People drink to dull their pain
Find lovers to give love they could not gain
We seek divorce, and to our hurt we add
The newest clothes, the latest fad.
Who will help them? Who will see?
Here I am Lord...please use me" -Amen

Monday, July 18, 2011

It has been far too long since I've posted last. I'm afraid I have no good excuse...
I am now 21! What an odd thing it is to grow older. I still feel like I'm in high school...but I'm not. I'm going to be a senior in college! A SENIOR in COLLEGE! How weird is that? To think that by this time next year I will be graduated. I feel like all I talk about on this blog is annoying that must be to read about. But, it's such a big part of my life right now it's hard not to talk about it.
Believe it or not, I can't think of anything amazing to say. Usually, when I blog, something comes to mind. A theme, a poem, or an all important thought. Oh, here's one!

If you are lonely and want more friends, don't look to the popular, famed, or "cool". Look to the edges of the crowd, the ones sitting alone, go to them and befriend them. You will never be alone. Who knows, you might even find your best friend.

There, I've done it...I've written a short post with a thought. :D