Saturday, June 26, 2010

Sophisticated Elegance with a Dash of Daring

This week has been wonderful. I have gotten to spend time with some of my dearest friends, make cakes until I couldn't take it anymore, and re-entered the world of story I've been writing. I haven't written in soo long. It felt good to creative write again. I am so grateful for the life God has given me. Utter contentment has enveloped me in its embrace. What a feeling! Today I co-hosted a tea party for some of my closests friends. I made scones, cucumber sandwiches, salad, and chocolate dipped strawberries to eat. My co-host, decorated the dining room and stairway in an elegant fashion. An ordinary house, was transformed into a beautiful manor. :)
Our guests arrived arrayed in finery. Dressed in elegant dresses, heels, and curls in their hair. It was an afternoon of enjoying being girly, and it was wonderful. I feel that in today's world being girly is looked down upon. Women must be strong, "I am woman, hear me Roar!". What was once "damsels in distress", has become, "I'm the knight, going to save the prince in distress". I personally, hate the second notion. The whole feminist movement...nevermind I won't go there today. At any rate, we had fun being princess for the day.
After consuming our lunch, we adjourned into the parlour for tea, and Jane Austen Pictionary which soon turned into charades. Refined Truth or Dare revealed shocking stories of the north...I'm just teasing, it only allowed us a better look into each others preferences. The Dares were daring, and humorous at times.
A photo shoot solidified our fun, and we enjoyed smiling for the camera...or being constantly pursued with all depends on your point of view.
Our guests left soon after, and after cleaning, Erin, Katie, and I watched an episode of a TV show. I then came home, and read Anne's House of Dreams with my Mom, and read her the book I've been writing. I was going to journal, but then decided I wanted post again. I hope your day has been as lovely as mine has.