Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Hope in Grief. Beatiful Things From Dust.

I do wholeheartedly apologize for my long absence. School, as well as the passing of my grandmother have kept me quite busy. I had all of these thoughts of what I wanted to write about, but now, they have all left. They blew away to the world of forgotten words and sentences. I am in shock. I really shouldn't be, but I am. My grandmother passed away last Tuesday, and I have just today returned from staying in her house with my family. It was heartbreaking to stay in the house she used to occupy. However, I do not grieve for the Doris (my grandma) who was in assisted living with headaches and tumors. I grieve for the woman she was before the Alzheimer's. Memories flooded into my mind bringing with them a pain so acute, it felt like a knife of ice had been plunged in my heart. She used to greet us at the door when we would go to visit her. But, she was not there this time. I'm sorry for the melancholy and grief, but this is what I want to share.
The funeral was beautiful, as funerals go. The flowers were in her favorite shades of pink and purple. Jonathan and I got to sing...that was one of the hardest things I've ever done. Jonathan started crying, which comforting, and singing with him actually gave me the strength to hold off crying until the end.
Dad and I had worked on putting music to her slide show, and it was great. Mom said that it was ironic how much my grandma would have enjoyed the funeral. All of her friends, and family were there. The food afterward was delicious, and the fellowship was fun. But, then we went back to my grandma's house, and I could just picture her sweeping the leaves off of her front porch, and waving at the neighbors as they go by. She loved to walk, and she walked every day of her life, until she couldn't anymore due to cancer in her pelvis.
I felt so secluded, which I shouldn't have. But, I felt the need to "escape" but there was no Internet, no TV, no phone. I only had my family, my journal, but most of all God to escape to.
I haven't really talked to God this past week. Not out of anger. I just couldn't find the strength to talk to Him after He walked my grandma home. Knowing that she was with Jesus, somehow made praying awkward where it wasn't before. But, as He has told me over and over again in His Word, "He fashions their hearts individually; He considers all their works" -Psalm 33: 15.
"You know my sitting down, and my rising up. You understand my thoughts from afar"-Psalm 139:2. God understands why I cannot seem to talk to Him yet, though I still enjoy spending time with Him. We sit together, and I read the book He wrote, as He teaches and changes.

I love this verse- "Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is".

We shall see Him as He is...I love that. Heaven sounds absolutely wonderful, you should read how it is described in Revelations!!! The chapter on heavenly worship makes my heart long for the day I can be there too. When I say that, I don't mean that I wish to die, or that I am planning on ending my life. What I mean, is that I have a longing for heaven. That I am not afraid to die, because, I know where I am going, and who I am going to. I can't wait to throw my arms around Jesus' neck, and walk with Him near the river of life. I can't wait to talk to John about what it was like to walk with Jesus on the earth. To ask Paul to give me a sermon, and tell me about the shipwrecks he was in, and what it was like to see Jesus for the first time. And then, I am going the kitchens in heaven where I know I will find my Aunt Doris, and we are going to bakesome oatmeal cookies that will make the angels sing. ha ha.
However, I am content to stay here for as long as God wills. There is much that I have to look forward to, and do. "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. But, if I live on in the flesh I know this will mean more fruit by my labor. Yet, what I shall choose I cannot tell. For I am hard pressed between the two. Having a desire to depart, and be with Christ. Nevertheless, to remain is more needful for you." Philippians 1. I still have to graduate with my Pastry degree, stay single or get married as the LORD wills, and follow where He leads. I am so glad that, "We do not grieve like those who have no hope".

With Hope in Christ

Monday, September 13, 2010


I have gotten things accomplished today. I have worked on math homework, written a list of the recipes I need for this week, and yesterday I completed my painting resubmission of a hummingbird and a flower. I still have some math to complete, paintings to start, reading to do, and a Bible study to prepare...but, I have a desire to write. So, I am here.

You know, growing up God would occasionally ask me this very interesting question, "Would you die for me?"
To which I always replied, "No". I was too scared, and the many ways I have heard of martyrs dying didn't help matters. I have been walking with God now for 8 years. I have seen Him work miracles. He's changed me completely, and has brought me so far from where I was. Though insecurities still arise, and cause me to doubt myself and my worth, I don't feel completely worthless and ugly anymore. I KNOW that I have worth, that I am beautiful, and that God has lots of plans for me. God is Worthy! And so much sweeter, richer, and more fulfilling than anything in this world.
I think that is why I've always been afraid I wasn't doing God's will. I knew He had amazing plans and I wanted to live out all of them. But, God has taught me something about that, it is better to be focused on GOD, than just on His Will. Because, as you get to know Him, you will also know His will. Jesus tells us in John 14, that a servant doesn't know what His master wants...but I have called you friends that you may know what the Father wills (paraphrase).
We are His friends, and therefore can know what He wants. Because, He will tell us what we need to do, when we need to do it, and where we need to be.
The Hiding Place, is the story of Corrie Ten Boom. In it she tells the story of a train ride with her father when she was young. She had asked him a question, and he replied by asking her one back. He asked when he gave her her train ticket. She replied that it was right before they boarded the train. He explained that is what God does sometimes. He holds our "train ticket" until we are ready to have it.
"Some knowledge is too heavy ... you cannot bear it...your Father will carry it until you are able". -Corrie ten Boom.

I do not know what God has planned for my future, all I know is that He has my train ticket, and He will hand it to me when I need it. As He will do for you.
I also do not know if He will ever require me to give up my life on this earth for His sake. To quite literally die for Him, or if He just means it as total surrender. However, I do know that He calls all of us to give up our lives for Him. To die to ourselves daily, and to follow Him. Matthew 16:24-27 says this, "Then Jesus said to His disciples, "If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross, and follow me. If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it. And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Is anything worth more than your soul? For the Son of Man with come with His angels in the glory of His Father and will judge all people according to their deeds ".
While I don't know what I would do in a martyr situation, I do know that I would rather give my life up on behalf of Christ than to live a thousand years for myself. I hope and pray that God blesses and challenges you today.


Thursday, July 1, 2010

God's Goodness

Have you ever questioned God's goodness? Ever looked towards heaven during a hard time and ask, "don't you care". Knowing God has the power to give and take away at will can be a hard thing to handle sometimes. You know God has the power to help, that with one word He could stop a storm if He wanted to. Often times in my life, I have wondered why God didn't provide for my family in an "easy" way (aka, my way). He always chose the option that would require the most trust and faith. It's ok to ask "Is God really good?" Now, I don't want to raise your hopes. I DON'T know the answer to why some people are rich and others poor. Why some people die at age 6, and some at 98. I don't understand why life is handed to some on a silver platter, and others have to work and struggle for everything. However, I do know to the core of my being that God is good. I'll explain why a little later.

Hardtimes are difficult, that's why they are called, "Hard- times". They make you question everything, and can shake you to your core if you do not enter them correctly. As servants, and believers of Jesus Christ we must go through struggles CLINGING! Clinging to the knowledge that God IS good, that He IS loving, and yes, that He IS in control. CLING to His promises. CLING. Be like a child who has just gotten hurt. Who do children run to when they're hurt? To their parents arms. RUN to God's arms, and cling with all your might. It's ok to rely on God, He won't let you fall. I know someone who reads this will ask the question I have asked many times, "But what if He has let me down?" God has not forgotten you. Nor, has He let you down. We can only see a fraction of what God sees. I promise that He is holding you in the palm of His hand where your name is written. Trust God again, for He IS trustworthy. I cannot count how many times in my life when I have gone through a trial, and God walked through it with me. "I have not forgotten you" He would whisper to my heart over and over.

I once heard Andy Stanley tell a story that went something like this:

A friend of Andy's had a son that was starting to get into trouble at school. The boy had become rebellious, and one day went out with some of his friends. They went and parked in the school parking lot, and one of the kids had brought alcohol. The principal found out, and called the Dad.
The principle was going to let the son off pretty easy, but the Dad wouldn't hear of it.
"What is the maximum punishment that my son can get for his offense?" The Dad asked, the principle explained that it was suspension for two weeks. The Dad accepted, and asked the principle to start the suspension. The son was angry and hurt when he found out.
However, instead of allowing the son to go through the punishment alone, the Dad took two weeks off from work. He spent those two weeks getting to know his son. They played catch, studied the Bible, watched sports, and had talks that they never would have had otherwise.

That is how our God is! The reason everything bad happens is because of SIN as a whole. Not personal sin, SIN. The curse that was put on the earth at the beginning of time. We live in Enemy territory. However, instead of leaving us to face difficult, painful, times alone. God spends that time with us. He walks through our pain with us. He cries when we cry, and laughs when we laugh. God IS loving and good.

I know that's not the best answer. But I hope that helps to answer the question in some way for you, as it did me. I would encourage you to look up Andy Stanley's sermon series called "Is God Great? Is God Good? It helps explain things much better than I ever could. God bless.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Sophisticated Elegance with a Dash of Daring

This week has been wonderful. I have gotten to spend time with some of my dearest friends, make cakes until I couldn't take it anymore, and re-entered the world of story I've been writing. I haven't written in soo long. It felt good to creative write again. I am so grateful for the life God has given me. Utter contentment has enveloped me in its embrace. What a feeling! Today I co-hosted a tea party for some of my closests friends. I made scones, cucumber sandwiches, salad, and chocolate dipped strawberries to eat. My co-host, decorated the dining room and stairway in an elegant fashion. An ordinary house, was transformed into a beautiful manor. :)
Our guests arrived arrayed in finery. Dressed in elegant dresses, heels, and curls in their hair. It was an afternoon of enjoying being girly, and it was wonderful. I feel that in today's world being girly is looked down upon. Women must be strong, "I am woman, hear me Roar!". What was once "damsels in distress", has become, "I'm the knight, going to save the prince in distress". I personally, hate the second notion. The whole feminist movement...nevermind I won't go there today. At any rate, we had fun being princess for the day.
After consuming our lunch, we adjourned into the parlour for tea, and Jane Austen Pictionary which soon turned into charades. Refined Truth or Dare revealed shocking stories of the north...I'm just teasing, it only allowed us a better look into each others preferences. The Dares were daring, and humorous at times.
A photo shoot solidified our fun, and we enjoyed smiling for the camera...or being constantly pursued with it...it all depends on your point of view.
Our guests left soon after, and after cleaning, Erin, Katie, and I watched an episode of a TV show. I then came home, and read Anne's House of Dreams with my Mom, and read her the book I've been writing. I was going to journal, but then decided I wanted post again. I hope your day has been as lovely as mine has.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Differing Views

My dear readers,
I do apologize for my extended absence. What started out as an easy semester has become a mountain of work that has me swamped. I have 10 assignments due next week, then finals, plus a Bible study to plan for, and meetings to arrange. Not to mention applying for financial aid for this summer so I don't get dropped. Ugh, I hate that you have to plan for the next semester while still trying to make it through the classes you are in! However, there is hope. A light at the end of the tunnel. For two more weeks I shall endure the frustrations of college classes, and then I gain my freedom (also known as the end of semester/summer break!!!). I don't care that I only get two weeks off. It will be worth it in the end to be able to graduate next FALL!!!! YAY! I shall have a degree yet! But enough about my college woes...

Do you know what breaks my heart?

God's name crossed off a list entitled "I value..."
People, who look so weary (physically, and worldly speaking), but blow off the very One who could take away their pain.
Wanting so much to love someone, and to see them come to Christ. You want to witness, but God says to pray.
I want so much to make close friends at school. To be apart of the closeness some of my classmates share in my culinary classes, but I can't because I don't believe what they believe (for the most part), or feel the need to do some of the things they do.

How do I live in the world and not become a part of it?

The way God views things, and the way the world views things are polar opposites. Now don't go rolling your eyes, it's just...I have heard that my whole life, but didn't grasp it until this week. I kept shrugging it off, saying "yeah, and your point is?" But they hate Him! The world truly hates Him! Or are apathetic, which is worse according to the Bible. What to me is life, breath, and passionate love, is painful or unappealing to them. And comprimising! It's so subtle. Little things, choices that you have to make (i.e. when asked Wednesday in one of my classes to add to the list on the board something I value I debated whether to put God or purity. I looked at the board and God was on there twice, so I chose the latter.) Was it wrong? I don't know. But, I keep wondering what would have happened if I had chosen to put God's name. I know I seem to be something out of nothing, but it was painful when at the end of writing the list we had to go back up to scratch off one value that did not speak to us. After scratching off "My relationship with God", the girl turned with a look of utter uncaring. I felt like someone had poured ice water over my head, and punched me in the gut. I suppose that is a good sign.
I don't know what reply I want, I just needed to vent. How do I reach them? How would Jesus reach them? How DOES Jesus reach them? Ever wish you could be Paul from the Bible? I bet you if he stepped on my campus he would know how to reach them. Jesus definitely would, and does. For now, I shall pray. I will pray that God will hit my campus with a tsunami of His presence. The darkness shall lose it's hold on my campus, I'm believing God for it!
Prayer...that is what I can do. I can pray for my classmates and teachers. I can encourage my fellow believers, and most of all, I can trust The Master, the One who spoke us into motion and loves us with an everlasting love. The One who sees us as beautiful, and sets us free from my sins. He, is trustworthy, and He promises, "Commit your way to the LORD, trust in Him and He will act" (psalms). David cries, "Remember the Lord, and forget not His benefits..." He says in John 10:10, that "The theif comes to steal, kill, and destroy. But I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full". Thanks for taking the time to read.
In His service
Lady in Waiting.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Bake Shop

Have you ever thought about the function of an egg? I mean think about it. Why do we add eggs to nearly everything in the bakeshop? Because, eggs are used as emulsifiers in your batter. What do I mean by that?
Most of you know that oil and water do not mix. This is true no matter what the shape or form these two substances take. In salad dressings this is called a "temporary emulsion" where you take two things that don't mix and beat them into submission with a whisk. However, no matter how fiercely you beat them, oil and water will never mix unless there is an emulsifier or binder. How does this apply to the bakeshop? Think of the basic creaming method for making a cake. You start with butter and sugar. The butter is your fat, and the eggs you will add later contain water. The sugar and flour act as your emulsifier or as the binder that takes a "temporary emulsion" and makes it a "permanent emulsion". Which is why some recipes tell you to alternate your wet and dry ingredients. because, if you add both wet and dry ingredients at once your emulsion will break and cause your cake to "curdle". In the words of Alton Brown "This is not good eats". :)
Why all the talk of emulsions? Because it's important. Now, let's talk about eggs.

Eggs consist of the following 4 parts:

The chalaze is the filmy white chord like thing that comes out of the shell when you crack an egg. The longer the chalaze the fresher the egg.
In the bakeshop eggs:
Add structure to cakes
Makes the batter smooth
Yolks serve as fat and eggs
Add moisture (because eggs are made up of 75% water)

And these are just its function in cakes. So it's true, every ingredient serves a purpose and has its own job. Kind of like the body of Christ, we need each other in order to function well. Otherwise we are made up of all Hands, or all eyes. Or, to apply it to cakes, we can't all be flour, or baking powder, vanilla, or eggs. We each have to be a separate ingredient or the cake won't turn out or taste good.
Speaking of cakes...we start decorating cakes in Cake Decorating class Monday so I will try and post pictures then. So, dear readers, what is your favorite cake?
Well, I hope this lesson on emulsions and eggs has helped you to understand, a little better, what goes on in the baking of a cake. In the words of Julia Child, "Bon Apetite".

Monday, January 18, 2010

God is in Control

Ever have one of those days where you looked up at God and asked,"What in the world are you up to?"
Yeah. Me too.
Today, I went for an interview/meeting at a restaurant and had a discouraging interview, but a wonderful lunch. The interviewer seemed taken aback when he found out that I haven't worked in a restaurant. After I explained what I wanted/needed he seemed very reluctant to even consider hiring me. Needless to say I came home discouraged. I am convinced that God has called me to the culinary field. However, I just wonder what He is up to. Because, while I am taking culinary classes, He has provided a baking job for me. It's like I am holding two threads of two different colors. I'm being told to plug those two threads into the tapestry of my life, and I can't figure out where they go or what to do from here. I also had a realization. No one is going to want to hire me as a line cook unless I have experience. But, how can I gain experience if no one will let me try? So, what am I going to do? Well, I am going to dust myself off, and get down on my knees in prayer. I am also going to get advice from Culinary professionals whose opinion I trust and see what they think I should do.
However, not matter what I am feeling GOD is still in control and if He is calling me forward in this culinary journey then I shall follow. But, if He has called me into the culinary degree so that I may realize my love of the Pastry Arts, then I shall follow His lead.

Saturday night a dear friend came over and we made chocolate brownies while watching Julie and Julia.

God will never leave us desolate, and I heard a pastor once say, "God has brought you this far, He won't leave you hanging."

Friday, January 15, 2010


We are going on a journey. No, I don't mean to Italy, or London, or even Japan. We are entering the journey of each other's lives through blogs. There is something about the written word that gives people more confidence, than if they had spoken it. I personally have had conversations with people that were both witty, and deep while communicating over the computer. I suppose not being able to see someone makes us feel safer, and more free to express what is in our hearts. Why do I tell you this? Because, we know each other and yet, we sometimes cannot fully convey what we are feeling in person. Therefore, blogs serve as another stepping stone in our journey to know each other, and Jesus.

I am amazed at the love of Jesus, which is far beyond my comprehension. Ephesians 3:14-19 is a prayer for the body of Christ in Ephesus (sp?). This past summer I went to London for a week. While there I heard a wonderful sermon preached from this very passage. He spoke about how God's love is SO great that it takes the whole body of Christ to comprehend it! Verses 17-21 state:

"That Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width, and length and depth and height- to know the love Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be the glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever, Amen."

A better prayer I could not leave you with, and so with this phrase I shall end. God Bless!